ךוניח : ירחסמ

לארשיב WWW-ל (טעמכ) םלשה ךירדמהמ קלח וניה הז דומע
I am*
Jerusalem ulpan and press Milah*

English Language School American Center in Israel*
giving courses about communication and the Internet AquaNet Internet Colleges*
םינמרבל הללכמה Barman College*
Hadassah Career Counselling Institute*
Herzelia High-Tech College*
retnec gniniart tenretnI*
Training & Web design Netium*

:םייכוניח םירצומ
educational book publisher תצבשמ*
Double Click's "The Circus" software - first steps in reading*
Inter-disciplinary teaching unit dealing with crucial question, morals and dilemas, by means of stamps, text, pictures and painting in a computerized virtual environment Teaching the holocaust by means of stamps in a computerized virtual environment*
LEGO Control Software for Science and Technology Education TechnoLogica Control Software*

לארשיב WWW-ל (טעמכ) םלשה ךירדמל רוזח
לארה בדנ ךרוע