What's New

01-Dec-96 through 31-Dec-96

This page is part of the The (almost) Complete Guide to WWW in Israel.

*The Knesset the official site
*David Broza
*Yahoo Tel-Aviv Weather
*Yahoo Jerusalem Weather
*Yahoo Haifa Weather
*Yahoo Eilat Weather
*Bank Tefahot
*Aleh Academy for Science Herzlia
*The Democratic School Hadera
*Ironi-Tet High School Tel Aviv
*Shalon High School Kiryat-Gat
*Yamach Educational Computer Applications
*Direct Insurance Buy insurance on the Internet
*Mivtachim The largest pension and insurance company in Israel
*Netium Training & Web design
*SpicyWeb sites which you might call crazy, weird or useless, but the fact is that they are the Spice of the Web
*The Green Little Creature The first On-Line update for what has been known to be, 'The Green little Creature'
*Super World-Wide Survey the only survey where you can also add questions!
*Autocard send a card thru the net, free of charge
*I am
*AquaNet Internet Colleges giving courses about communication and the Internet
*Virtual Science Teachers Center virtual school
*The Third Way
*Medsite The Israeli Medical Site
*Gamidor Ltd. Bio Medical Services & Supplies
*Medibond Ltd. makers of AQUABOND disposable EEG electrode
*Ronny Marcus healing
*Dr. David Sadeh - Naturopath Natural Treatment of Chronic Diseases

Back to The (almost) Complete Guide to WWW in Israel
Edited by Nadav Har'El