Index of /zvi/calendar/gauss
The ftp directory calendar/gauss on contains:
REAMDE: this file.
makefile: guess what...
taarich.c: display Hebrew dates - a C program.
taarich-bidi.c: - Using bidirectional hebrew taarich (1) - troff/eqn/man source.
taarich.txt: - Unicode English text version.
taarich.pdf: - PDF version.
luach.c: typeset Hebrew calendars - a C program.
luach-bidi.c: - Genrates HTML, using bidirectional hebrew
luach-ical.c: - Genrates iCalendar file, bidi luach (1) - troff/man source.
luach.txt: - Unicode English text version.
luach.pdf: - PDF version.
gauss.c: Gauss formula for passover - a C program. "Gauss Formula for the Julian Date of Passover"
- troff/eqn/tbl/ms source.
gauss.txt: - Unicode English text version.
gauss.pdf: - PDF version. "The Torah Reading Sequence" - troff/eqn/tbl/ms source.
reading.txt: - Unicode English text version.
reading.pdf: - PDF version.
Dr. Zvi Har'El Department of Mathematics
tel:+972-54-4227607 icq:179294841 Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
fax:+972-4-8293388 Haifa 32000, ISRAEL
"If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all." -- Thumper (1942)
Wednesday, 10 Heshvan 5767, 1 November 2006, 11:25AM