Uniform Polyhedra - Computation and 3D Display
Kaleido’s README file
Uniform polyhedra, whose faces are regular and vertices
equivalent, have been studied since antiquity. Best known are the 5 Platonic
solids and the 13 Archimedean solids. We then have 2 infinite families of
uniform prisms and anti prisms. Allowing for star faces and vertices, we have
the 4 Kepler-Poinsot regular star polyhedra, and a row of 53 nonconvex uniform
polyhedra discovered in the 1880’s and the 1930’s. The complete set appeared in
print for the first time in 1953, in a paper by Coxeter, Longuet-Higgins and
Miller. Wenninger’s 1971 book “Polyhedron Models” contains photos and building
instructions for cardboard models of the 75 uniform polyhedra.
In the paper “Uniform Solution for Uniform
Polyhedra”, published in Geometriae Dedicata, 47 (1993), 57-110, we propose
a uniform approach to an arbitrary precision solution of uniform polyhedra and
their duals, given a simple formula which describes the method of generation of
each polyhedron by successive reflections in a trihedral kaleidoscope. The
theory is complemented by 8 tables and 160 computer generated figures. A
postscript version of the paper, along with C programs implementing the
algorithms, are available for anonymous ftp from ftp.math.technion.ac.il, from
the directory kaleido, or, through the Word-Wide Web, from the URL: http://www.math.technion.ac.il/kaleido/.
The program kaleido may be used, without any further
programming, to compute the metrical properties of the polyhedra, such as
angles and radii. and their combinatorial properties, such as the Euler
characteristic and the covering density. Furthermore, the program is capable of
generating Cartesian coordinates for the vertices and faces, which are then
used to display a rotating wire-frame images of the polyhedra, with depth
simulated by edge brightness, and to generate a pic file which can be included
in any TeX or troff manuscript. The computational features are available on any
machine with a decent C compiler. The graphic features are currently available
for Unix machines with X Windows or LucasFilm graphics, UNIX V/386 machines,
and MS-DOS machines, but may be extended quite easily to other graphic
environments. The source code is carefully broken into small logical units, so
it may be used by an experienced programmer in any environment which requires a
precise computation of polyhedra, such as a computer modeling software.
The source code may be found in kaleido/src, and the documentation in kaleido/doc. In addition, we provide in kaleido several
subdirectories which include executable code for common platforms, e.g., x-msdos, x-linux, x-sparc, etc. Each subdirectory has a README file,
for further information.
To fetch the software, in a compressed tar format, use
the ftp command
ftp> get kaleido.tar.Z
or to fetch a single subdirectory, use the commands
ftp> cd kaleido
ftp> get src.tar.Z
etc. These commands use the ftp features of automatic archiving and
If you use a WWW browser to access our archive, we
provide appropriate hooks to get single files or whole directories. More
information about the Technion Mathematics Department in general and its FTP
archive in particular may be obtained from the URL: http://www.math.technion.ac.il/.
As an illustration to kaleido’s possibilities, kaleido
may produce virtual reality models (using VRML97) of the polyhedra, which can
be viewed using any current VRML browser. Each polyhedron face is solid,
colored according to its valency using a simple color coding. To overcome the
limitations of the browsers, faces bounded by self-intersecting polygons are
broken down to simple sub-faces by insertion of auxiliary vertices. Ray traced
pictures of the models, and the VRML files themselves, may be viewed in the
URL: http://www.math.technion.ac.il/~rl/kaleido/.
The help of the following persons is acknowledged with many thanks:
Roman Maeder has ported the kaleido algorithms to
Matehmatica. His programs
are available from the Mathematica Information Center, URL: http://library.wolfram.com/infocenter/Articles/2254/.
The polyhedra he generated may be viewed through the WWW in his Uniform
Polyhedra page, URL: http://www.mathconsult.ch/showroom/unipoly/.
Comments and bug reports will be greatly appreciated.
Please send them to the author:
Dr. Zvi Har'El mailto:rl@math.technion.ac.il Department of Mathematics
tel:+972-54-227607 icq:179294841 Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
fax:+972-4-8293388 http://www.math.technion.ac.il/~rl Haifa 32000, ISRAEL
"If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all." -- Thumper (1942)
Copyright © Zvi Har’El
$Date: 2006/11/14 10:15:47 $