
This page is part of the The (almost) Complete Guide to WWW in Israel.
*Entertainment : Radio : Online

Online Music:
*Jerusalem of Gold
*Some of Chava Alberstein's songs "
*The Israeli-Jewish-Yiddish-Hebrew-Folk-Cultural Music Midi Free Library
*When You're Home Boaz Sharabi's Song about Ron Arad

*Anonsalat - Holistic Basheligazine (nonsense magazine)
*Claudia Schiffer pictures
*Culture Heroes
*Hebrew CrossWord hebrew crossword, arrow crossword and other puzzles. site includes one free puzzle
*Iconet Israel Connection Network
*Multimedia Page Web Multimedia demos, Downloads and freeware, online-Multimedia comics, Fractal art and more...
*Netking's animation
*See The Only Road Sign In The Real World That Points The Way to The Info Highway
*SpicyWeb sites which you might call crazy, weird or useless, but the fact is that they are the Spice of the Web
*Super World-Wide Survey the only survey where you can also add questions!
*The Green Little Creature The first On-Line update for what has been known to be, 'The Green little Creature'
*Yishai and Yaara's WEBding

*Politics : Israeli Politics : Satire
*Arsland What is an Ars?
*Com-Edi The satire site of Israel
*Computer Humor
*Funny Bytes
*Jacob Richman's Humor Section
*John Neystadt's Humor Collection
*Lighter Matters - facts & jokes
*The Unofficial Mad Cow Revenge News

Online Games:
*The Animals Game

Online Chat:
*Agmonet's topical chat
*Click Israeli chat in Hebrew on the net, using new free software
*Iconet Java Chat chat without needing a chat client, only a Java enabled browser
*NetVision WebChat
*SabraChat(Israeli Chat) Room

*Aerospace Review
*An assorment of 3 wierd Zine's
*Artik Israel's Culture Magazine
*Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
*Link 2 Link Israeli Business and Technology
*Masa Acher Bareshet the on-line version of Masa Acher, The Israeli Geographical Magazine
*Monitor Magazine The Israeli internet swamp magazine
*NetCar car buyer's guide
*ShevaNet Judaism Articles in Hebrew
*Snunit's hebrew electronic journals
*The Cancer Journal

Back to The (almost) Complete Guide to WWW in Israel
Edited by Nadav Har'El