| | |
|  | Advertising Advertising, copywriting, public relations |
|  | Art Galleries, Judaica, etc. |
|  | Books Books |
|  | Cars Cars, other vehicles, car testing, car parts, ... |
|  | Cinema Cinema, movie theaters, etc. |
|  | Clubs Clubs |
|  | Commerce Commerce and Export |
|  | Communication Communication, Satellite, BBS's |
|  | Computers Companies creating or selling computer software and hardware |
|  | Consumer Electronics Companies creating or selling household electronic appliances and gadgets |
|  | Design Design |
|  | Discounts Discounts |
|  | Education Education, training, etc. |
|  | Electricity Electricity |
|  | Event Arrangement Arrangement of Bar Mitzvas, congresses, etc. |
|  | Fashion Fashion, clothing, jewelry, cosmetics etc. |
|  | Finance Companies related to (mostly personal) finance, including banks, credit cards, brokers, and taxes |
|  | Food Food and drink |
|  | Furniture Furniture |
|  | Gardening Gardening |
|  | Graphology Graphology |
|  | Health Health related companies and services, including hospitals, kuput cholim, medicines, doctors, and more. |
|  | Hi-Tech Semiconductors, etc. |
|  | Hobbies Stamps, coins, etc. |
|  | Industry Industry, including plastics, agriculture, and more |
|  | Insurance Insurance |
|  | Internet Companies, people and products which can get you connected to the hyped network, or advertise your fabulous product on it |
|  | Labor Unions Labor Unions |
|  | Laundry Laundry and Dry Cleaners |
|  | Law Lawyers, Legal Aid, and such |
|  | Lottery Lottery |
|  | Music Record companies, Bands, Classical Music, and so on |
|  | Oil and Gas Oil and Gas |
|  | Online Shopping Purchase at comfort from your own home, by using the Internet! |
|  | Personnel Personnel, employment agencies, jobs, etc. |
|  | Photography Photography |
|  | Press Newspapers, Magazines, and Book publishers |
|  | Production of shows, videos, etc. |
|  | Quality Assurance Quality Assurance |
|  | Real Estate Real Estate, Housing |
|  | Research Research |
|  | Restaurants Restaurants, Cafes |
|  | Restoration Restoration |
|  | Security Safety and security, law enforcement, etc. |
|  | Shipping Courier services and international shipping |
|  | Singles Dating services, ads, etc. |
|  | Sports Sports |
|  | Stationary Stationary and office supplies |
|  | Stickers Stickers |
|  | Stores Stores and Malls |
|  | Telephony Telephones, Phone companies, Cellular phones, Computerized telephony, Fax, ... |
|  | Television Cable television, Stations |
|  | Theater Theater |
|  | Tourism Tourism abroad. Includes airlines, and more |
|  | Tourism in Israel Tourism inside Israel, both for native Israelis and for tourists. Includes internal airlines, car rental, hotels, tourism companies and attractions, and more |
|  | Toys Toys |
|  | Translation Translation services |
|  | Transportation Mass transit |