Commercial : Computers

This page is part of the The (almost) Complete Guide to WWW in Israel.
*Software Computer Software
*Commercial : Stores : Computers
*Commercial : Internet
*Aladdin Knowledge Systems makers of HASP - The Professional Software Protection System
*BOS (Better Online Solutions)
*Eldor Computers Ltd.
*Elementrix Technologies
*Golden Screens Ltd.
*Harel Computers
*LiveLink Systems Limited
*M-Systems (NEW)
*Moshe Cohen Software Development and Consultancy
*Optimedia - Electronic Publishing Solutions

Computer Hardware:
*CMS Hewlett-Packard's distributor in Israel
*E&M Computing
*Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd. manufacturer of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) for computers
*Ivory Computers Leading company in Israel PC market
*Koor Isratel importers of HP and Canon printers
*Liran Computers
*M.A.G. Group Printers, Monitors and Scanners for Professionals
*M.C.O. - portable solutions notebooks /portable comp. solutions /forum
*Merav Guide to Computing Purchase
*PCMac - Computers, Software & Communication Systems Ltd. MacOS, Windows computers. Sales, service and support.

*Computers : Linux
*TclTek Linux consulting and products

Multimedia Publishing:
*Arome Cooking CD-ROMs
*Bitan Multi Media
*CompuGraphic Multimedia Solutions
*Fantasy Junction
*Kidum Multimedia Developing the leading Real-Time interactive entertainment, specializing in new multiplayer Virtual Reality 3D technologies, including FreeK™ , for win95... Up to 16 players via modem/network!
*Pixel Group
*Prisma 3d multimedia & animation
*Scopus Films Producer of children's TV, video, books, clay animation, multimedia
*Tegrity Ltd Interactive Digital Flipchart
*Tyrex Multimedia

Computer Service and Support:
*PCMac - Computers, Software & Communication Systems Ltd. MacOS, Windows computers. Sales, service and support.

Computer and Data Security:
*Avnet Data Security Ltd. Israel's leading leading consultancy firm in the implementation of security measures on information system

Service Bureau:
*Beit Imud Service Bureau for Macintosh & PC users

Computerized Video:
*Scopus digital video compression A leader in video compression solutions

Back to The (almost) Complete Guide to WWW in Israel
Edited by Nadav Har'El