Society and Culture

This page is part of the The (almost) Complete Guide to WWW in Israel.
*Celebrities Famous People on the Net
*Holidays Religious and National Holidays in Israel
*Religion Judaism, Baha'i, etc.

*Homeward Bound An interactive experience through the Central Zionist Archives
*The Central Zionist Archives
*The Jewish Agency For Israel (Hasochnut)
*The Jewish Agency For Israel and the World Zionist Organization
*World Zionist Organization

Aliyah and Olim:
*Aliyah list archives
*Israeli repatriate scientist internet information journal
*Ministry of Immigrant Absorption
*WZO Aliyah InfoBase
*Yisrael Ba-Aliya

The Holocaust:
*Teaching the holocaust by means of stamps in a computerized virtual environment Inter-disciplinary teaching unit dealing with crucial question, morals and dilemas, by means of stamps, text, pictures and painting in a computerized virtual environment
*Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Autority

Israeli Culture:
*Did You Know?
*Israeli Culture Links to the best Israeli cultural sites online and an engaging feature highlighting a different aspect of Israeli Culture
*T-Book Here you can find information about having ceremony in Israel

Cultural and Ethnic Groups in Israel:


Other Cultures and Israel:
*Institut Français de Tel Aviv
*Instituto Cultural Israel-Ibero America
* (NEW) a site in french about Israel and Judaism
*The Italian Institute of Culture in Tel-Aviv
*United States Information Service in Israel

Foreign Embassies in Israel:
*Ambassade de France en Israël

*Adam Teva V'Din Israel Union for Environmental Defense
*Environmental Law in Israel

*Commercial : Stores : Pet
*Animal Aid Israel's "tnu la hayot lichiot" organization for the saving and caring for animals
*Animals Aid "let the animals live" is an organization that helps animals in Israel
*Butterflies & Moths Of Israel home page of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society
*InterDog dogs in Israel
*Iton Chai
*Klavim the Israeli dog site
*On Dogs and Cats the cooperation of three organizations: The Cat Lovers' Association of Israel, the Haifa Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the Pro-Cat Society
*The Dog Site by Amnon, the dog trainer
*Yaron's Cockatiels bird pictures and sounds

*Commercial : Singles

*Society and Culture : Holidays : National : Yom Ha'Zicharon
*Politics : Government : IDF
*IDF Handapped Organization
*Soldiers Homepage Including the ONLY virtual public miltary toilet!!!
*Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization

Missing in Action:
*Free Ron Arad
*The International Coalition for Missing Israeli Soldiers As pursue peace,let us not forget our MIAs, the war is not over until all the boys come home
*When You're Home Boaz Sharabi's Song about Ron Arad

Youth Movements:
*Nahat youth who like the bible

*Israel Scouts The Israel Boy & Girl Scouts Federation
*"Bamidbar" Troop, Omer
*Council of Haifa


Other Special Interest Groups:
*Computers : User Groups
*Enough Traffic Accidents
*Rotary Israel 2490
*Win-Din Lawyers community
*Yaale VeYavo Centers A a non profit organization which deals with the advancement of cultural and social welfare in Israel

*Commercial : Personnel
*AACI Israel Jobnet from the Association of Americans & Canadians in Israel
*Computer Jobs in Israel
*Luach Plus (NEW) the Israeli classified
*PersoNet Israel Major Jobs Database

Back to The (almost) Complete Guide to WWW in Israel
Edited by Nadav Har'El